The chocolate factory experience

Chocolate Museum

Ancestral recipes, culinary traditions, gastronomic innovations to pay homage to Venezuelan cocoa. We make the chocolate an experience that invites you to close your eyes, take it to your mouth and enjoy the flavors of Venezuela.

Ancestral recipes, culinary traditions, gastronomic innovations to pay homage to Venezuelan cocoa. We make the bonbon an experience that invites you to close your eyes, take it to your mouth and enjoy the flavors of Venezuela.

KAKAO more than a chocolate factory is a space of transparencies for the investigation of Venezuelan chocolates, the development of ideas around the elaboration of chocolates and the pleasure of sharing a craft as a team, that of the master chocolatier.

All of us who work at KAKAO test formulas, innovate chocolate techniques and deepen our knowledge to achieve the best chocolate. We enjoy together the adventure of creating each chocolate, each bar, each product.

We use chocolates made with 100% Venezuelan cocoa, we mix the best raw materials of the country to make daring fillings and immerse them in a fruity Canoabo, a citric Carenero, a sweet Chuao or a noble Sur del Lago; happy to be able to offer unprecedented combinations in our Venezuelan chocolates.

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We will have an extensive explanation about the process of cutting the cocoa fruit in the field and at the same time we will admire the beauty of the trees with many fruits that overflow to their roots. We will explain the variety of cocoa we have, which is one of the best on the market. You will be able to admire more than 1000 pipe trees where they are in production and you will be able to observe some small animals roaming the trees. We will offer you a taste of the sweet flavor of coconut, and before ending the tour in the open air, of course you can’t miss eating a natural cocoa in the middle of the cocoa trees. On the tour you will also get to know a great variety of medicinal plants, as well as ornamental plants. You will also witness a variety of animals such as: sloths, monkeys, frogs, toucans and other types of birds. The tour includes a beautiful view of the Chimuria and Santo Domingo rivers, right there at the end of the plantation, a few meters away is the union of the two beautiful rivers and you can enjoy a breathtaking view, leaving the cocoa plantation we will go to the area of fermentation, drying and roasting where you can watch the handmade machines with which the process that takes the cocoa bean to obtain the chocolate liquor is done.

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Chocolate Menier

En 1966 Encarna Comes y Pedro Melero adquieren una casa en la C/ Sant Josep 29, destinada a vivienda y horno de chocolate. Posteriormente, en 1995 se adquiere otro local en C/ Nou 26 que comunica con la vivienda antes mencionada, consiguiendo ampliar el pequeño horno. En el año 2000 se derriba todo y se construye una nueva edificación para albergar toda nuestra pequeña empresa familiar (Fábrica, horno, almacén, cámara frigorífica y Museo).

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Nuestro Museo del Chocolate nace el 25 de abril de 2002, tras un gran esfuerzo de nuestra generación anterior Pedro Melero y Encarna Comes, que tras haber guardado un gran legado de máquinas y herramientas utilizadas por sus antepasados y tras haber recorrido toda España consiguiendo multitud de objetos y herramientas relacionadas con el mundo del chocolate, decidieron dar a conocer la historia del chocolate en este singular edificio.

La visita es guiada y dura aproximadamente una hora. El museo consta de una planta baja donde hay una TV para proyectar videos y documentales, así como el conjunto de equipos necesarios para la elaboración del chocolate: el metate, la emulsionadora, el tostador de cacao, la descascarilladora de cacao, etc…

The chocolate factory experience

The ‘Wonka’ property was licensed to film director Mel Stuart. Stuart showed the book to Wolper, who was engaged in talks with the Quaker Oats Company. Wolper convinced the Quaker Oats Company to sign a $3 million deal to finance the film version in exchange for the candy bar. [3] Quaker, which had no previous experience in the film industry, bought the rights and financed the picture in order to promote its new Wonka Bar. The name Dahl Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was renamed to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory for promotional purposes.

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The new brand was produced in Illinois, at Chicago-based Breaker Confections (which was later owned by Sunmark Co. a subsidiary of Quaker). The original Wonka bars never saw store shelves due to factory production problems prior to the film’s release. In any case, later Wonka product launches were very successful. Breaker Confections changed its name from Willy Wonka Brands in 1980 in an attempt to develop its Wonka brand image. The Willy Wonka Candy Factory opened its doors in 1983, where candies such as Loompaksoompah and Gobstoppers which are just candies came on the market.[1] The Willy Wonka Confectionery opened in 1983.

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